Arts and Environment
The Mission of the Art and Environment Committee
It is the mission of the Art & Environment Committee at St Joseph Church
to create a prayerful community space for the worship of God.
Simplicity, balance and respect are the watchwords adhered to always.
Following all liturgical precedents, hospitality, warmth, openness and
welcome are hallmarks of the committee.
We pray,
May these tasks be pleasing to you, Lord Jesus, as were the offerings of
Martha. As we prepare this space for the community to worship, keep us
mindful of our task. Impress upon us the attitude of Mary, Martha's
sister, being ever glad to be in Your presence while working small
wonders to make all of us ready for celebration. Help us to keep in mind
the Gospel values of simplicity and hospitality, so that, this house of
your people may continue to be a sign of openness and welcome to all who
are in need of the comfort, and the challenge, of your message of love.
Blessed be your Holy Name! |